7 Tips That Will Help You To Set Successful Natural Hair Goals

One of the misconceptions among many afro-textured hair women is the belief that they must follow a certain chain of events in their regimen in order to grow and maintain healthy hair. Sure, there are certain things that you have to do in oder to retain health and length such as moisturizing the hair, trimming, etc, but you do not have to follow the timeline of another person’s regimen to achieve the same objective. This is why it is important to learn your individual strands in order to make the best decisions for your hair.

There are naturals who use heat, color their hair, etc who are still able to grow their curls and retain their length, but this doesn’t mean that all naturals can do the same thing and grow out their hair. Growing your natural hair should be an individualized journey! Yes you can take advice and suggestions, but you should take them and apply them to your needs.

The only thing that is constant among all naturalistas is that we no longer chemically alter our hair, but everything else is individualized (porosity, density, texture, hair type). So, without further ado let’s jump into the common mistakes that new naturals make after the transition.

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